Friday, October 16, 2009

Oct 16- Smart Phones

Smart phones, you either love em or ya hate em. Plain and simple. I for one was one of the loyal Motorola Razor users for many a day, and when the full keyboard internet surfing phones first came out, I scoffed! "Why would anyone need all that in a cell phone!"

Well as the days passed, and I grew older and wiser, I myself got a Blackberry 8800, and let me tell you that was one of the life altering events in my short life! Aside from the obvious advantage of having a full QWERTY keyboard (texting at light speed!) there are dozens of other advantages I now see as absolutely necessary in my mobile service! The mobile inter-web of course is something that once you taste it, you can never be without it.

When my Blackberry finally passed on (RIP) I had to down grade to a simple phone, almost back to the original brick Nokia phones... The thing could barely text! I then began to suffer hardcore withdrawl. No longer could I get instant emails to my phone, check my fantasy football, send Myspace/Facebook messages, or Google the answer the the random nagging question of the day! It was like severing one of my own arms! No longer did I have a small music library at my fingertips and the ability to assign full songs as personalized ringtones!

Since that day, I quit AT&T altogether, and "upgraded" to Sprint's Samsung Instinct. Yes the touch screen lured me in. But the Blackberry was where my heart stayed loyal. So with my upgrade coming up, is there any question on what I'm returning to? Let me leave you with these parting words: You can have my Blackberry...when you pry it from my cold dead fingers! GIVE ME BLACKBERRY OR GIVE ME DEATH!

Oct 16- Random Thoughts 7/ What If?

Greatest thing about writing this for me? None of it is really planned. I don't stare at a blank page for hours trying to force myself to put words down. What I write comes natural, and is usually consists of whatever crosses my mind at that instant (hence the informality).

There are few times I see something and I'm all "I should write about that" but last night I had such an event. While watching an episode of "How I Met Your Mother" last night (season 4) we came across an episode that got my mind thinking. In the episode Ted (if you don't watch, he is both the narrator and the main character) is describing all the "What If" scenarios that lead to a major even of how in fact met their mother. I.e. if I went this way I would have went back to the apartment, ate a bagel, and never met your mother. So obviously the goal of the episode is to get you thinking about your own "what ifs" so I began thinking...

What if I never dated my ex (Who shall remain nameless due to the countless adjectives that would follow)? Lets take a look at the train of events that would have followed. If I never dated her, I would have never been dumped. But if I was never dumped, I would have never started drinking. And if I never started drinking I would have never started to be social and throwing my legen...wait for it...dary parties at my apartment. And if I didn't throw those parties, I would have never met the best friends I will ever have in my entire life, or for that matter meet the current love of my life!

So as you can see, there is always a huge domino effect to decisions or events in our lives. So rather than stressing about whether to go left or go right, and trying to predict the best possible outcome, I find it is better to look back at events passed, and appreciate how what may seem to some to be a negative occurrence, actually leads to something much more positive and beneficial... Think about it...

Dr. Andrew out!

Oct 16- Random Thoughts 6/ Thai Food

Had some Thai food today for lunch. Basically it was awesome. It got me thinking on how awesome food from the far east (or west depending on how far you go, because the Earth is round after all) truly is. I love the blend of vegetables to any of the basic meats (chicken, pork, and beef of course).

I never cared for vegetables much, like at all, anything green would repel me (don't get me started on green jell-o...) but once I gave this style of food, I eat everything on the plate! Unless of course there are tomatoes, because lets face it, tomatoes are gross.

Now on this occasion of my Thai adventure, when I ordered, the waitress asked "How spicy would you like that?". This caught me off guard! I'm not used to being asked that unless I'm ordering wings! So, with my brain in reflex mode, I fired back an answer of, "Um...Spicy..." thus making myself look like an idiot. Then for what seemed like an eternity, the waitress stared at me blankly clearly expecting a better answer, then my brain finally caught up and "Medium" finally escaped my lips. In reality the incident lasted seconds, but in my head it lasted forever! One of the many times I make an ass of myself.

But anyway, our food comes out, no white rice (something you come to just expect in places like this) but what evs. Carlista's food looks like a plate of snot noodles, with chunks of egg and (allegedly) pork. I then, feeling adventurous, proceed to taste her interesting choice in food. And believe me when I say it tasted worse than it exact words were "It tastes like how a toilet smells". But Carlista loved it, so power to her!

Now I begin to dig into my dish(Wish I could remember the name, but come on its all Ping-pong-chow-mein-fried-rice, right?). It is this beautiful collaboration of vegetables with tiny portions of thin cut chicken and long this noodles. And that medium level spice I so gracefully asked for? Oh...perfection! It had a kick that burned the lips, but the taste of the vegetables were still there. Oh soooo amazing.

Thank you Asian food! Thanks for giving me the love of vegetables!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oct 15- The Little Mermaid

(Of course written by hand while at work)

The little reason why that crossed my mind, but it did get me thinking. Is there anymore to that childhood story we all adore? Is there something more? Probably, but I only see the basics...

First thing that came to mind for me is that it is a literal story of a fish out of water...well assuming that mermaids are fish... OK, that was not nearly as funny as my head thought it was...

It's also a basic tale of how you always want more than you have, look at Ariel, she is Princess of the sea or something, what more could you want? Your dad is a GOD! Her sisters and father seem satisfied with Royal Life "Under the Sea" (see what I did there?), is it good enough for her? NOPE! Once she hits teenage rebellion years, she wants to have legs, and go hook up with literally the first dude she sees!

I disagree with the moral message of "pursue what you want no matter what happens" that they put here in the movie, I think the bigger message is "ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR PARENTS!". Seriously, she makes a deal with a witch/sea monster (always a great idea on its own) then proceeds to get double crossed (surprise surprise) and all this bad shit happens! Her dad loses his powers and becomes this creepy looking bearded slug thing, theres a giant tornado and the crazy witch bitch grows gianormas, all cause she didn't listen to her daddy and keep it in her pants!

Oct 15- Young and Wild

(Written at work, on paper, by hand)

I once wrote a song that said "It's great to be young and wild", and I wrote that song a little over six months ago. I was 21 and its amazing how different I feel now at 22. At 21 it seem I could justify where I am in life, living at home, no career in sight, mountain full of debt. But once I turned 22 I feel I have no excuse anymore. My "young and wild" days are over... Time to grow up.

It crossed my mind on my Ex's birthday (Oct 9), when I realized that had we not broken up, and stuck to our "plan" (carefully planned from High School mind you) that I would be getting married in this December. According to the "plan", she would go to school and I would move to the "Fabulous" (SARCASM) Las Cruces, NM, and become a police officer there. She would finish school, and we would start our "wonderful life together" *GAG*. Or at least as wonderful as a life one could have with someone who plans a life 4-5 years into the future.

In hindsight, obviously I don't enjoy the thought of marriage with her and all that junk, but I did like the idea of being sure of what I was doing. I guess because that plan would be coming into fruition in the next few months, it reminded me that I'm in a purgatory. A stand still. I think I just need to find the inspiration to get me to the point where I can make the plans to decide on what I want to do. Not dependent on anyone else, but do what I want...

Oct 15- Blank Page Randomness

(Once again written by hand in my spiral notebook)

Blank pages kind of puzzle me...Possibilities are endless to what could be put on it. Stephen King used to say the best way to write was with a fountain pen and dozens of notebooks.

There's something about a blank page that makes me feel oddly optimistic. Everyone starts with a blank page. World famous writers down to elementary students all start with a blank page...

I could start with a blank page and write something that could make the smartest guy in the world go "Hmmmm...", probably not, but still. Or I could write something that makes people want to jab their own eyes out hoping to remove the image of the horrendous combination of words thrown together like a Satanic orgy intended on ensuing for all eternity...

Ha, that was almost poetic. But I guess it's rare to find poetry about blank paper and satanic orgies. It does kind of portray the random train of thoughts that cross my mind. In reality if everyone kept a log of the random thoughts in their heads, as I now do, would there be a similar outcome? Or am I just really weird?

Is my random mind set a gift, or craft, that I have to hone and put to good use? Or is it an obstacle I have to stifle and overcome to take a step towards normality? I guess that's what life is...Sorting your gifts from your curses...

Oct 15- Random Thoughts 5/Chipper!

(Written by hand in my handy dandy spiral)

Today I feel so "CHIPPER!". Isn't that a great word? Chipper! No matter how you say it, it comes out fast! Chipper! Chipper! I know, it's amazing what a 24 oz. Rockstar Energy drink will do right? I am smiling (YES SMILING!) while I'm writing this! Not that anything I'm writing is particularly funny, but I just like to smile at the cleverness of myself :).

I love energy drinks, it's caffeine for the coffee impaired (like myself) This particular one (Low Carb Wild Berry) only (allegedly) has 30 calories!

(Notices handwriting)

God my handwriting looks horrible right now, I can actually see the jitters in my hand through my handwriting. It looks like tourettes via writing!

Hopefully I will come down from this...

Oct 14- Random Thoughts 4/ Purgatory

(Written in the trusty spiral)

Another day in purgatory, that's what this place should be called. I'm stuck here, I'm better off than I was, but the monotony make it worse too. I dread coming in every day, some days more than others. Right now (Oct 14) it was worse because I have to sit through 4 hours of god awful training to learn a system I'm barely going to use at this job because I'm a temp and gonna get canned once this assignment is up. But knowing my luck, I'll get fired before the end of the assignment, thus negating my chances of receiving my two grand in cash! May seem pessimistic, but to me it's reality.

I used to be that "light at the end of the tunnel" guy, but for me that tunnel lasts a few years too long. Right now, and this whole past couple of years has just been spiraling down and down, It's like my tunnel is a road straight to hell! Everything just sucks! Even my girlfriend can barely listen to me talk because my acceptance of reality.

If only I could win the there's a thought...

Oct 13- Random Thoughts 3/ Monotony

(Written in my trusty spiral at work)

I've decided to call this my ADD Log. Cuz essentially I'm writing about whatever comes to mind. It's nice to get it out and it feels great having a pencil to paper again. God I remember in middle school I used to make Dragon Ball Z stick figure comic books! I spent hours upon hours just doodling away! Probably why I didn't have a girlfriend for a while LOL.

It's sad, they say you don't know what you've got til it's gone...its true :( I miss my Tucson friends sooooooo much!


That was a short thought...

It's amazing, keeping this ADD Log is actually entertaining me...and keeping me awake.

These ladies here are crazy (the ones working around me in adjacent cubicles). They are quite funny, one of them continues to sing random songs, I'll be in the middle of a call from behind me I hear, "That's not my name! That's not my name!"(Song by the Ting Tings?) or "I look fly I look good". They're craziness keeps me from going insane from this ongoing monotony!

I did just notice something, in movies, and books, ever notice that office jobs are held by heroes that are destined for something extraordinary? Neo in the Matrix. Narrator from Fight Club (technically he has a traveling job but most of the time he 's in the office). Wesley from "Wanted". Granted, their jobs make more money than mine, but I would like to consider myself on the same level...

Oct 13- Random Thoughts 2/ MMA/Insurance/Music

(Written in my spiral notebook at work again)

Now MMA! That's what is fascinating me right now! I miss being in shape, and the thrill of sport. (As you may know my belly has grown to astronomical sizes!!). Even after I wasn't doing football anymore, I had skateboarding. But once I quit that, I just blew up like a balloon! I hate looking in the mirror and seeing that giant belly, and I ain't no Roy Nelson (UFC's Ultimate Fighter reference).

I think MMA would be good for me, because just learning it would make me drop 20-30 lbs! It would force me to get into shape, and get out a little frustration by punching a bag and rolling around in my own sweat. I wouldn't even do it for the aspect of fighting, just competition! I miss competing! I wouldn't mind changing my diet or habits, it would give me a reason to, and give me something to look forward to.

Yes it is bad I have a glass jaw...Seriously that thing is like a button, hit it and I drop like a sack of potatoes! But hey who knows they may toughen me up!

One thing that sucks is that I should probably wait until I get some medical insurance. I know stuff happens and I should have it anyway, but if I pick up a hobby that involves dude's fists and knees hitting me in the head, it just seems like something I should have. I could get headbutted and cut all the way down to my skull!(Saw it last night on Ultimate Fighter Season 2) I can barely pay my phone and my car, and if I get hurt, there's more debt I can't pay!

Ok this just crossed my mind, I could buy cheap insurance by itself just to be safe, that way I can stay at this crappy job until they pay me my 2 grand! (That I get upon completion of this assignment in January). CUZ I GOTS TO GET MINE!

Which reminds me! I should probably get back to finishing my rap album. I mean 10 out of 12 songs done, might as well tough it out and get it out of the way. Gotta get the album cover made and get some copies, like 100 for personal distribution. It's sentimental now. Finally finish something. The once I do that, I can go buy a new amp for my guitar, get in a band and make some REAL music!

Oct 13- Random Thoughts 1/Future

(Written in the spiral at work on Oct 13)

Random thoughts again. At work. I swear sometimes it feels like an episode of
"Friends" here. You know the one, the one where Jason Alexander doesn't want to buy toner because he's going to kill himself. Yeah its even complete with that "Hey Buddy!" guy. I just feel weird here because here I am 22 working at a job where everyone here has kids, all married, and essentially veterans in the game of life, and I'm still a rookie. I guess it makes me feel young and reminds me I have a long life ahead of me.

I do wish I knew what was ahead of me though. I mean I will be pissed if I find that the job I'm doing now is what I'm "supposed" to be doing with my life!

I've felt that I could be an entertainer of sorts, ya know? Nothing particular stands out though. I used to want to be a writer, I wrote fanfiction stories (lame I know), poems (even lamer I know), songs, and even a few original stories. But there I always get writers block! It's hard to find an ending to anything I write (or do for that matter). So its not like i could depend on making a living from anything like that. I have great ideas for movies, but being out of school so long, I am having more and more trouble putting my ideas onto paper. I still get inspired by movies, books, and songs and stuff, but can't express it!

I think that's why I want a camera and editing software. I see Gee "youtubing"and I think "I could do that!". Plus there is that aspect of competition that I love! I think once I have a camera it will all come back to me, like back in the days in middle school when I was making my own reality shows with the family camera!

Oct 12- Effects of Paranormal Activity

(This was written in a spiral notebook during the monotony of my job)

I've decided to keep a journal of my thoughts throughout the day, a journal to chronicle my thoughts of hatred, frustration, and hopefully creativity too!

This whole day I still feel lingering effects of "Paranormal Activity" (Note: We saw it on Oct 11) After it settles in, after the dust settles if you would, it kind of sticks with you, like a great movie should.

I find myself wondering about demons, ghosts, and other paranormal stuff. I have been brainstorming ideas on how to make my own "Blair Witch"-ish film to become the latest youtube sensation.

My first thought was to do a parody of the film, show similar occurances, but instead of the grim ending portrayed in the movie (which was awesome!) show a comedic ending with Micah (the dude) playing tricks on the girlfriend all along with special effects and camera tricks! Thus getting dumped... Well it made me LOL.