Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oct 13- Random Thoughts 2/ MMA/Insurance/Music

(Written in my spiral notebook at work again)

Now MMA! That's what is fascinating me right now! I miss being in shape, and the thrill of sport. (As you may know my belly has grown to astronomical sizes!!). Even after I wasn't doing football anymore, I had skateboarding. But once I quit that, I just blew up like a balloon! I hate looking in the mirror and seeing that giant belly, and I ain't no Roy Nelson (UFC's Ultimate Fighter reference).

I think MMA would be good for me, because just learning it would make me drop 20-30 lbs! It would force me to get into shape, and get out a little frustration by punching a bag and rolling around in my own sweat. I wouldn't even do it for the aspect of fighting, just competition! I miss competing! I wouldn't mind changing my diet or habits, it would give me a reason to, and give me something to look forward to.

Yes it is bad I have a glass jaw...Seriously that thing is like a button, hit it and I drop like a sack of potatoes! But hey who knows they may toughen me up!

One thing that sucks is that I should probably wait until I get some medical insurance. I know stuff happens and I should have it anyway, but if I pick up a hobby that involves dude's fists and knees hitting me in the head, it just seems like something I should have. I could get headbutted and cut all the way down to my skull!(Saw it last night on Ultimate Fighter Season 2) I can barely pay my phone and my car, and if I get hurt, there's more debt I can't pay!

Ok this just crossed my mind, I could buy cheap insurance by itself just to be safe, that way I can stay at this crappy job until they pay me my 2 grand! (That I get upon completion of this assignment in January). CUZ I GOTS TO GET MINE!

Which reminds me! I should probably get back to finishing my rap album. I mean 10 out of 12 songs done, might as well tough it out and get it out of the way. Gotta get the album cover made and get some copies, like 100 for personal distribution. It's sentimental now. Finally finish something. The once I do that, I can go buy a new amp for my guitar, get in a band and make some REAL music!

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