Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oct 14- Random Thoughts 4/ Purgatory

(Written in the trusty spiral)

Another day in purgatory, that's what this place should be called. I'm stuck here, I'm better off than I was, but the monotony make it worse too. I dread coming in every day, some days more than others. Right now (Oct 14) it was worse because I have to sit through 4 hours of god awful training to learn a system I'm barely going to use at this job because I'm a temp and gonna get canned once this assignment is up. But knowing my luck, I'll get fired before the end of the assignment, thus negating my chances of receiving my two grand in cash! May seem pessimistic, but to me it's reality.

I used to be that "light at the end of the tunnel" guy, but for me that tunnel lasts a few years too long. Right now, and this whole past couple of years has just been spiraling down and down, It's like my tunnel is a road straight to hell! Everything just sucks! Even my girlfriend can barely listen to me talk because my acceptance of reality.

If only I could win the there's a thought...

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