Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oct 15- Random Thoughts 5/Chipper!

(Written by hand in my handy dandy spiral)

Today I feel so "CHIPPER!". Isn't that a great word? Chipper! No matter how you say it, it comes out fast! Chipper! Chipper! I know, it's amazing what a 24 oz. Rockstar Energy drink will do right? I am smiling (YES SMILING!) while I'm writing this! Not that anything I'm writing is particularly funny, but I just like to smile at the cleverness of myself :).

I love energy drinks, it's caffeine for the coffee impaired (like myself) This particular one (Low Carb Wild Berry) only (allegedly) has 30 calories!

(Notices handwriting)

God my handwriting looks horrible right now, I can actually see the jitters in my hand through my handwriting. It looks like tourettes via writing!

Hopefully I will come down from this...

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