Friday, October 16, 2009

Oct 16- Random Thoughts 7/ What If?

Greatest thing about writing this for me? None of it is really planned. I don't stare at a blank page for hours trying to force myself to put words down. What I write comes natural, and is usually consists of whatever crosses my mind at that instant (hence the informality).

There are few times I see something and I'm all "I should write about that" but last night I had such an event. While watching an episode of "How I Met Your Mother" last night (season 4) we came across an episode that got my mind thinking. In the episode Ted (if you don't watch, he is both the narrator and the main character) is describing all the "What If" scenarios that lead to a major even of how in fact met their mother. I.e. if I went this way I would have went back to the apartment, ate a bagel, and never met your mother. So obviously the goal of the episode is to get you thinking about your own "what ifs" so I began thinking...

What if I never dated my ex (Who shall remain nameless due to the countless adjectives that would follow)? Lets take a look at the train of events that would have followed. If I never dated her, I would have never been dumped. But if I was never dumped, I would have never started drinking. And if I never started drinking I would have never started to be social and throwing my legen...wait for it...dary parties at my apartment. And if I didn't throw those parties, I would have never met the best friends I will ever have in my entire life, or for that matter meet the current love of my life!

So as you can see, there is always a huge domino effect to decisions or events in our lives. So rather than stressing about whether to go left or go right, and trying to predict the best possible outcome, I find it is better to look back at events passed, and appreciate how what may seem to some to be a negative occurrence, actually leads to something much more positive and beneficial... Think about it...

Dr. Andrew out!

1 comment:

  1. this is smart andrew. It is wonderful that you are seeing how life works. good job! =)

